Thursday, February 21, 2013

Example Squad to Fire Team Changes

I recieved a question about the changes I proposed to combat groups and thought a post detailing how I'd convert a group from a squad to a fire team would be a good idea.

The most complete way to convert a squad is to have the book open next to you (either physically or virtually with pdfs) while you have Gear Garage open.  You add the squad you'd like and then add the upgrades and swaps that you'd like (making sure you can take 2 of them in the "squad" entry for the single flash! fire team entry).   There isn't a way to automatically validate my house rules in Gear Garage but the program does offer a relatively easy way to do it manually.  When you have a 5 gear squad, make sure that the four non-CGL models are two groups of two identical models (including swaps and upgrades).  If the program allows you to take two of them (including the upgrades), you'll be able to take a single model in the fireteam.  Here is an example of a Southern FIF fire team of one king cobra, one blazing mamba, and a black box iggy CGL made from the appropriate squad entry. 

Veteran Line Strike Cadre (Specialist) 380TV
  • Black Box Iguana [2/2/1/2] (14/42 LHC) LAC MPZF VB CGL (2 options) 60TV
  • Blazing Mamba [2/2/1/0] (17/51 LHC) HGLC APGL APGL HG VB (1 options) 55TV
  • Blazing Mamba [2/2/1/0] (17/51 LHC) HGLC APGL APGL HG VB (1 options) 55TV
  • King Cobra [2/2/1/0] (21/105 SSLHC) LPA HRP/24 MRP/36 LGM LAC APGL HG VB CR (1 options) 104TV
  • King Cobra [2/2/1/0] (21/105 SSLHC) LPA HRP/24 MRP/36 LGM LAC APGL HG VB CR (1 options) 104TV

You can see that I've got two sets of two twin models (the King Cobra and Blazing Mamba) that show me with the existing build of Gear Garage that I can take doubles of that upgrade.  I upgraded two Jagers to the King Cobras as well as the both regular Mambas to Blazing.  The CGL Mamba took CGL only swaps down to an Iguana (in the squad entry) and then to a Black Box Variant (the Gear Regiment CGL only upgrade).  The only thing I'd need to manualy check is if I took any other upgrades like weapons for the CGL that weren't specifically listed as CGL-only as gear garage would allow me to take the "change 1 model in the squad" option which isn't enough for a fire team.  The final step would be to simply mark the units on the GG printout (similar to how I italicized/bolded the models taken above) and then add up the TVs.   

Anyways, I hope that helps show any interested players how to make up an army using Gear Garage to try out the smaller scale Flash! fire team games.

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